Funny Cats Videos

The Mean Kitty Song

The idea behind these is to avoid your cat bringing home gifts and presents, especially ones that are still alive!! In the main these devices are ineffective and its usually best to remove them so there s less to get caught up in bushes and fences. If you have an indoor cat that you d like to introduce to the great outdoors, try buying a cat harness and attach a leash. 

Remember a cat you picked up from the shelter is actually saved from death by you. To convey a proper image, choose a name for the cat from Abby, Achilles to Zummo. There are lots and lots of fancy names to choose from. OK, you got your cat so now what? Open up your purse so that your cat can feel pampered. 

This way, cats are cared for no matter what you are doing. Cats who are territorial really do need their own dish. Then, you can feed the different cats at different areas of the house. When looking for bowls for your cat, make sure to look for those that can be put into the dishwasher as well as those that are not going to break. 

A kitten should be fed throughout the day 4 times with a small amount of food each meal, reducing to 3 times a day at 3 months old, then at 6-8 months 2 meals per day. Older cats (over 12 months) should only be fed twice in the day (usually morning and early evening). Cats groom themselves, but using a soft brush on the cat, especially the long haired variety, will help to cut down the number of hairballs in the cat s stomach, which are caused by them licking / grooming themselves. 

Although your cat is not likely to be pouncing on their dinner anymore, they still instinctively need to sharpen their claws and that is exactly what they are doing on your furniture. The scratching that they do is a way of trimming their nails and it removes the old outer part of the claws. Another reason they are ruining your home is because they know it to be their territory. 

To make your cat feel comfortable and safe in its carrier it's a good idea to put a blanket in side of it, if your cat has its own blanket on its bedding then that is ideal as the cat will be able to recognize the smell, this should help your cat to feel a little bit safer. The first time you use your cat carrier it is also a good idea to put down some newspaper in side just incase your cat has any "accidents".