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People that are able to stick to the plan are capable of losing more than 10 pounds in less than a month s time. Why can t the person just give up eating foods that contain carbohydrates? This is because people need this source of energy for brain activity and muscle function. A good way to maintain a good amount in the system is to eat food such as whole wheat or gain and staying away from products such as pasta, bread or rice that are color white. 

Actually, cutting down on carbohydrates in the diet is a practice that people have been doing for years. When people cut down on their rice or bread or do not eat rice at all, they are reducing their carbohydrate intake. Of course, because it is not an official diet plan they are not really restricting themselves completely. 

A good example of this is the South Beach Diet, which has been proven to be good for the heart and body. For those who have never done it, this is done in stages. The first part is done over a 2-week period and the person will refrain from eating food such as bread, potatoes, baked foods, fruit and the consumption of any kind of alcohol. 

Some toxins come from the body such as ammonia, a chemical produced when proteins are broken down during digestion. Because of the ingrained system, all these toxins no longer stay in the body and are excreted and flushed out in the form of stools or urine. Basically, the term detox diet is used in the treatment of people who have become dependent on drugs and alcohol; but now with the birth of various kinds of diets, the term is used to any diet that helps in detoxifying the body. 

Some programs recommend the person eat products that are rich in carbohydrates while cutting down on protein and the other way around. A few examples of these are the south beach diet, protein power and the Aitkin s diet. One program that could make the person have great abs and lose weight is called the Abs diet. 

The individual should also not forget to get some vitamins and nutrients from fresh fruits and green vegetables. These are better when combined with large quantities of monostaturates and olive oil. The way to cook these products is also important. Instead of frying, the best way to reduce the cholesterol is to grill or roast the meat, boil or steam those vegetables or fish.