Funny Cats Videos

mama cat comes to rescue her little kitten

They also don t lick or bite so you won t have to worry about how they will interact with others when you have company. Cats always seem to be able to tell when you need some comfort. Taking care of a pet can help a child to become more responsible but some pets just come with too much time required. 

Perhaps it is better to get an adult cat since it has already developed a personality and you will know what you are getting. Adult cats easily adapt to a new home and get attached to the new owner as easily as a kitten. It does not matter whether you get a male or female because their behaviour is not dependent on their gender. 

We want quality feline company with a pedigree and the only way to guarantee that a cat is a purebreed is to contact one of the national cat associations or similar organisations in other countries. To find a purebred cat, you may start with the Cat Fancier s Association. The CFA was created to maintain breed standards and to register litters as purebreds. 

A good cat carrier should be both safe and comfortable for your cat, it should have enough room inside for a fully grown cat to have some freedom of movement, and your cat should be able to both stand up and turn around in side its cage. Air holes on all sides are also needed as this allows the air to fully circulate and your cat to look out. 

Then don t consider the Sphynx, the Rex, the British Angora and the Siamese. These cats are energetic and seem to be looking for trouble. For those who are looking for a cat to provide them with entertainment, these are a good choice. The Rex is a silly cat as it will attempt to amuse you. There are other important features to consider as well. 

"One of the most important goals when feeding senior cats is maintaining an ideal weight and keeping that weight stable," said Dr. Arnold Plotnick, who developed a senior wellness program to address the special needs of aging cats at his veterinary clinic, Manhattan Cat Specialists in New York City.